Nicotto Town

Zero Fighters

I couldn't put down the book "Eien no Zero" , which became famous by word of mouth.
It's all about World War 2 and what happened to peo...

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Breathing techniques

There are several breathing techniques in yoga practice.
I liked the '1:4:2 breath' very much and did it so often when I started yoga about 10 ye...

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Using bathtub water

I got the idea of using leftover water in the bathtub to flush the toilet.
I use the water for washing our laundries, but some still left.
So I g...

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Yummy lunch!

I joined a cooking class at Hanzomon today.
I always learn macrobiotic dishes there which are easy to make at home.
The good side of this cooking clas...

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Roman Holiday

I watched "Roman Holiday" for the first time in my life.
One of my friends recorded it from the TV program and gave me the DVD.
I was moved ...

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