Nicotto Town

I'm bushed!

I'm pooped out having two rehearsals in the morning and afternoon at different places.
I need to unwind myself for the rest of the day today.

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A piano concert

I was invited to a piano concert held in the gallery today.
There was an openning performance for the newly born Steinway piano.
I hadn't known what t...

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A lovely present!

One of my students gave me a hand-made top out of folding paper last evening.
He's become tall; he's now taller than me, and is a good junior soccer p...

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Secrets protection bill

I really can't stand the state secrets protection bill, which will be railroaded through the Upper House today.
The government has been keeping enough...

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Energy work

I went to join a kiko group this morning and did some energy work together.
During the activities, I felt lots of prana coming into my body.
As a resu...

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