Nicotto Town

( ももうさぎ日記 )

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(archive) summer camp ch

summer camp chapter 5today it was sooooooooooo tireing because yeasterday i went to the water park with my friend so its really tireing.......well tod...

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(archive) summer camp ch

summer camp chapter 4today,in the morning i forgot so i wont talk about it so i'll just talk about the afternoon so we played lots of games but before...

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(archive) summer camp ch

summer camp chapter 3today 6 more new students came!they were all koreans wich i TOTALLY hate!!!!one, because one is like so  selfish and ..........

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(archive) at home and so

at home and somewherewell today we went out to eat lunch and it was yummy but after lunch it was so tiring but kind of fun because theres so much stuf...

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(archive) summer camp c

summer camp chapter twook....well today at the morning it was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boring because we had to read and write and do so muc...

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