Nicotto Town

Signs of spring

I find signs of spring mostly in plants and insects.
I love finding buds on the branches, and shoots and some insects coming out of the ground. They a...

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The 12th piano concert

I had the 12th piano concert at a nearby nursing home today.
I was invited to perform at the place in 2002 for the first time, and have tried giving c...

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AOK Hado Center

One of my yoga friends and me went to have our wave-motion checked at AOK Hado Center in Hanzomon yesterday.
By checking each wave-motion of internal ...

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A home concert

I had a piano home concert for the first time this year today.
Two of my yoga friends and one acquentance came to listen to my music with their babies...

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STEP test

My university student came to take an English lesson this morning.
She's taking the interview test of STEP grede 2 this coming Sunday, so we had last-...

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