Sorry, I will not be able to write my blog on Wednesdays.
But I enjoyed learning at English conversation school.
I will do my best.
Sorry, I will not be able to write my blog on Wednesdays.
But I enjoyed learning at English conversation school.
I will do my best.
I don't occur today's topic.
Though I considered many things, I couldn't occur suitable topic.
Probably, I will be able to have nothing to write tomor...
Japanese culture recently becomes popular and has been known in the world.
What is the characteristic of Japanese culture?
One of the answer is that J...
Teens are causing the problem about using the Internet.
They depend on the Internet, some of them become the illness or die.
As they still may not und...
I found some good textbooks for learning English.
That's "K-ON!" on the youtube.
They are discribed the general life of high school st...