Nicotto Town

昔書いた詩 よかったら見てってね

You don't know me 

You think I am nice
You think I am sweet
You think my heart is wide as the sea
But you don't know me

You think he's terrifying
You think he is ignorant
You think he should be punished brutally
But you don't know him

You think she's depressed
You think somebody has passed away
You think she needs to overcome
But you don't know her

You think he barks a lot
You think he's careless
You think he loves the gym
But you don't know him

I think you're nice
I think you're depressed
I think you're cruel
But I don't know you

I think I am curious
I think I am respected
I think I can go overseas and into space
But I don't know me


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