Nicotto Town

eizaさん専用ページ 3



2022/08/19 15:47
hey hey eiza〜!!I am very very sick!me too me too yeah!
because very hot summer !coming soon die!
die!I will very hot die( ; ; )
very tired me too.
please give fall…….next season please early come.
I will go to party next season.
match making party I want to go party.
tension nervous hurts.
myakumyaku sama look s like good.
groi many many eye.
very hot tired.
take care of your health!
2022/08/16 11:20
Hiii! Ash!!
How do you do??
I got sick last week...due to the hectic workload lol...

Please don't die yet...orz
Although I want to die too haha....
Can I just quit job and somehow earning money without having to work hard....
This is the Myaku-myaku sama haha

yeah,,.its hot here...hope we are all live in peaceful mind T_T
See ya!
2022/08/01 10:36
yeah eiza.
very hot hot summer.I tired.coming soon die.
very very tired give me fall.
washing machine broke.
error code repeat repeat again.
I will new washing machine maybe.
trouble some washing machine.
mayaku mayaku sama I don't know.
ボカロ song?
I will punk fachion clothes buy fall season.
very hot summer( i _ i )
2022/07/29 17:21
Hey Ash~!
Very busy with the work...orz
sometime i want to quit the job, but i need money to survive ><
Yeah, I saw that news too....Too bad...I am kinda scared...
Wow that must be a good band, since you like them...
Please take care of your self!

Anyways, what do you think about Myaku-myaku-sama?
I find it too cute and kinda creepy too lmaoo
2022/07/21 11:37
hey eiza〜!have a nice day?
Japan is very very big news!
安倍 prime minister killed . a few days ago.
very surprised.
you karaoke English song very cool.
I can not sing English song.
I like オーラルシガレッツ Japan band.
Japan is very every day rain .
next month fall sigh.
very hot today.
2022/07/18 10:11
Hi Ash~~!!
Sorry for not coming here for such a long time ><
Missed you....
I like karaoke too! I always sing english songs hahaa...
Im not good at singing woman song, so i prefer yonezu kenshi!!
Omg,,,unfortunately i am not good with raw food...T_T
I hope you are well!!!
2022/07/07 20:40
ooh eiza〜, D o you like karaoke?
I like karaoke〜.I love ボカロ.I like ハチ or 米津玄師.
マトリョーシカ nice song アンビリーバーズ very nice.
today I eat ハマ寿司.yummy yummy sea urchin.
I like sushi!coffee and 揚げたこ焼き eat eat delicious.
ハマ寿司 nice store.ceep and delicious.
I love song〜,奇術師の告白. Youtube can listen〜.
today very hot summer.
2022/07/05 17:08
hi Ash!
Waw...its good that you can loose weight in a short period of time...
hahahahaahaahahah Sexy Retweet lmaooo
so true tho....jahahahaha

i see....i want to buy new clothes too....but i want to go to karaoke as well....
im good noww!
2022/07/02 20:33
yeah eiza〜.have a nice day??
I am diet diet every day〜.
just a little skinny.I'm in good shape.
skinny is very good.light body.nice diet.
ooh,you enjoy Twitter!maybe sexy retweet.hehe.
enjoy sns please good life〜.
I buy many many clothes.
recently,buy clothes enjoy now.
and write novel enjoy now.
very hot every day〜.
how's your health?
2022/06/30 10:47
Hi Ash~ ehehe
How do you do?
I am not in a good health recently...I have stomach ache for few days now..


I see,,,well as you know I'm already fat ahahaha
Yeah me current fandom lets me tweet so much <3
I like to imagine situations ehehe!
I want to follow you on my fandom account...but it is very sensitive and R-18ish lol....
2022/06/28 11:09
thank you reply my message〜〜!
I glad to follow me thank you.
Japan rainny season finished.
very hot hot summer.
recently I am just a little fat.
my clothes pants I can't wear it.
new pants buy many many.
recently diet life.
I want to skinny.but eating out I love.
Twitter fun time enjoy sns.
thoughts I'm looking forward to〜.
2022/06/27 10:30
Hello Ash~! How do you do?!
I didn't realised that you already replied to me orz...I'm so sorryyy;;;
Yeah I followed you~ Thank you for following me back!
Thats a new account that why ahaha I hope you don't mind...
Because my main twitter account is very very loud and kinda annoying at times with Retweet and thing lol.
I see!!! maybe i'll reply to you sometimes~! hehe :))
already in third page ehh,,,so surprised with this <3
Love you!!!

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