- カテゴリ:勉強
- 2018/01/08 08:03:51
聴解 47
語彙 57
文法 45
読解 52
合計 201
201によると、中級後半だよ。成績証には、「"中級" の学習者は、日常的な会話をこなすことができます」って書いてある。それなら、なぜ日常的な会話を理解することができないのかな?まぁ、半分わかるかもしれないけどね。ゆっくり話せば。とにかく、結果は期待したよりもいいから、嬉しいよ。^^
”硬い髪" doesn't need to be scratchy, but is kind of thick and looks heavy.
We have black hair, so most of us have "stiff hair".
Many of us envy people who have "soft hair"!
I have another question.
How do you say "硬い髪" in English?
”柔らかい髪” must be "soft hair". Then "硬い髪” is "hard hair"?
It's really good that you understand both English and Japanese!^^
I have some questions about English.
1. Is it common to say "Hang the laundry out"? It's not "Hang out the laundry"?
2. I'd like to know the difference between two words.
trash and garbage / scarf and muffler / pare and peel
3. When my room is messy. Someone says "Tidy your room" or " Straighten up your room".
Which is more common?
I'd be happy if you'd answer me when you have time!^^
I work with my mom !
She cooks at nursing home , and I do the dishes , decorate foods on the dishes , and serve them .
I love this job , as I'm with mom !
How about you ?
Do you want to be with your mom all the time ? I do .
I came across a new expression "to the moon and back".
How should I use it? Is it a common one?
"I enjoy talking with you to the moon and back" would be okay?
But I go to concerts often , and thatwhy I do part-time job .
I have part-time job 6 days a week and go home at 23:00 .
I might need to ask you questions time and again, as I'll keep using the textbook!
I'd be happy if you'd help me~^^
Then the book is totally usable. ^^
There's also a sentence;
These shoe don't fit me.
I think it should be "shoes" instead of "shoe",
so I became suspicious about other sentences too. Lol
How about "spiky hair"?
Is it 硬い髪? Is it okay for long hair?
Can I ask you about some English?
Are these sentences below all right?
1. I was rained on. 雨でびしょぬれだ。
2. These shoes pinch my feet. この靴はきつい。
3. What size shoe do you wear? 靴のサイズはいくつ?
These are in an English book I use for a Japanese student.
But I've never heard of the expressions like "be rained on", "pinch" for きつい
nor "size shoe".
So I'd like to know if they are correct.^^
She turned seventeen .
What do you want for your birthday?
I gave her a present .
We ate cake and chatted together .
It was fun !
It's easy for young Japanese to find part time jobs.here.
I was surprised to hear you want to earn money for college.
We Japanese don't earn money for college.
It's a custom for parents to pay for college.
I think we should earn money for college like you do.
What kind of job do you want to do?
I hope you'll find a job which you want to do!
It would be nice if we sometimes talk in English and sometimes talk in Japanese.
so we can both improve the languages.
I have been working part time job at a dress maker for a year and a half.
Do you do any part time jobs?
I want to improve my English.
I want to speak English fluently.
I'm a friendly and open minded person.
I'll ask her what she thinks tomorrow!^^
Here's her page.
Maki is my student, and she seemed to visit you last night.
She seems to be a bit shy, so can you visit and say hello to her?
It was a mistake I used "becoming". I wanted to say that I thought "hot" is used when something or someone is very popular. So a person doesn't have to be handsome. Do you think so too?
Thank you for the translation! My student is coming this afternoon, so I'll tell her the correct one!^^
So a person doesn't have to be handsome. Is it correct?
Then 世界で最もハンサムな顔100人 should be "The most attractive 100 men in the world"?
Oh, I didn't know "hot" is used in the situation!
Talking about "handsome", we used to say ハンサム for hot men.
But it's very old fashion now.
If people use "handsome" in Japanese, that means they are very old. Lol
Is there also the meaning of handsome? I used "cool" as handsome or イケメン.
How do you say イケメン in English?
Can you check 岩田剛典? He's her favorite.
He was selected as one of the coolest 100 men in the world.
He's also very smart, as he graduated from Keio university.
What do you think about him?^^
I hope she'll come next Tuesday!^^
他のを出しちゃうと、一日に200皿売れなくなるよね。( ;∀;)
My student is coming tomorrow, so I'll tell her about you.^^
Do you know "Exile"?
That's a very famous and popular group in Japan; that's her favorite.^^
I've started teaching a 17-year-old girl English conversation.
She might be interested in talking with you too~^^
Do you mind if I tell her about you?
You'll learn Japanese, and she'll learn English!
She might visit you soon~^^
日本語テストの成績 凄いですね、日本語、難しいのに
私も 英語を学びたいです。