The Movies・映画館
- カテゴリ:映画
- 2015/11/12 02:00:34
「The Peanuts Movie」
I'm going to the movies with my friends.
Since today is Veterans Day,
We don't go to school. ^^
The movie we're seeing
Is The Peanuts Movie.
My friends
Are Jeremy and Hana-chan.
Don't usually meet up outside of school.
I think today is a special day. (^-^)
I can't wait!
I'm going to the movies with my friends.
Since today is Veterans Day,
We don't go to school. ^^
The movie we're seeing
Is The Peanuts Movie.
My friends
Are Jeremy and Hana-chan.
Don't usually meet up outside of school.
I think today is a special day. (^-^)
I can't wait!
In Japan, the development of the weapon was late. Rather the weapon became the work of art. The Japanese sword more than 10 million yen (100, 000 dollars) is not rare now.
See Ya!
武器 ぶき weapon
発達 はったつ development
遅れる おくれる late
美術作品 びじゅつさくひん the work of art
1000万円 いっせんまんえん 10 million yen
10万ドル じゅうまんどる 100, 000 dollars
以上 いじょう more than
日本刀 にほんとう Japanese sword
珍しい めずらしい rare
(Japanese bow(archery) of weapon)
The Japanese bow is greatly different from the bow of surrounding nations in length. The length exceeds 2 meters. In addition, we regard manners as important like other martial arts to shoot the target.
和弓 わきゅう
弓 ゆみ bow(archery)
周辺諸国 しゅうへんしょこく surrounding nations
大きく おおきく greatly
長さ ながさ length
違う ちがう different
超える こえる exceed
加えて くわえて In addition
的 まと target
射る いる shoot
他の たの other
武道 ぶどう martial art
同じく おなじく as
作法 さほう manner
大切 たいせつ important
I heard the performance of the Japanese drum(wa daiko) of high school student today. There is the big thing more than 1 meter in diameter. As for the sound, 500 meters arrives.
You can look at Japanese drum(wadaiko) in YouTube.
See ya!
高校生 こうこうせい high school student
和太鼓 わだいこ wadaiko
演奏 えんそう performance
聞く きく hear
大きい おおきい big
物 もの thing
直径 ちょっけい diameter
以上 いじょう more than
届く とどく arrive
Thank you. I got the meaning of tsundere~!
You are more Japanese than I am.^^
Oh, your story sounds so interesting!
There's one thing. I don't know the word "tsundere".
Is it English or Japanese?
You look so Japanese today. Suteki for you! ^^
I teach the know-how to make a friend.
"Welcome the coming, speed the parting guest."
(One should treat a guest well as long as he is in the house and speed him when he wants to leave it.)
日本では、(in Japan)
去る さる leave
者 もの person
追わず おわず don't chase
来る くる come
拒まず こばまず don't refuse
See ya!
I think that a friend is important. When I was troubled, friends become an adviser. When I am free, friends become a person to talk to. I want to treat my friends well in the future as well.
See ya!
友達 ともだち friend
大切 たいせつ important
困る こまる trouble
時 とき when
相談相手 そうだんあいて adviser
暇 ひま free
話し相手 はなしあいて person to talk to
Is it 3D movie of Snoopy? The exhibition was informed on TV.
The exhibition in Japan is from December 4. Snoopy is a popular character in Japan.
By the way, it's "しばしば学校のそとで会えない",
but I think that "ふつう学校のそとでは、会わない" is better.
See ya!
Oh, I'd love to read your manga! ^^
It's so funny you call each other putting chan and kun!^^
Is it all the rage among people just around you?
It's amazing you also know katakana!!!
According to English names, I don't really know about the stuff like
which is old and which is new.
Hanako and Taro are old names in Japan whereas Yu and Sho are new names.
How about the ones in U.S.? I suppose Carrie is an old name!^^;
Enjoy watching the movie with your friends.^^
Is Hana-chan Japanese? Sounds so!
And Jeremy sounds a boy. Is he?