- カテゴリ:日記
- 2014/09/02 00:24:15
Yesterday I went to a Japanese-style festival. I wore a yukata! ^^ A lady that was there said my Japanese was good. (^.^)
祭りでは、ラムネとポッキーを買った。妹は母にポッキーを与えたと、母は混乱してた。「Do I eat it?」って言った。(「食べる?」)w食べ物だよ!
At the festival, we bought Ramune and Pocky. My little sister gave a piece of Pocky to my mom, and she was confused. "Do I eat it?" she said. Lol. It's food!
Tomorrow, eight days, it is a night with a full moon(15夜..jyugoya). There is an event of Japan. We offer altarage to the full moon and enjoys the feeling of this autumn.
>A laday who was there said...
this is better