is he always like this?
- カテゴリ:日記
- 2011/12/30 11:41:53
keep visiting my house just to see me?? I don't care if he likes me, ew ew ew eeeew why guys are such greedy and just ahhh . . . =_= I don't care if he's a friend of my stupid brother.
Is he sick? I hate guys who visit my house and do nothing -a non-sense visit-
And I didn't invite him, he just barged-in.
waaaaaaaaaaHH dammit. I just don't want a relationship,
it isn't that clear to understand??? TT^TT
F*ck asdfsf fas d asfkfasfm s;m;sdmflks;dfm
I'm awesome, I can handle it myself oh yeah!!! w
thanks jay! happy new year by the way!
"He that would the daughter win, must with the mother first begin"
It's the same as a proverb.
It seems that he has an advanced technique.
Don't let yourself be bothered by him.
I feel sorry for you.
he is scary, very scary. T^T
umm we can't do that, ahahahhaha,
and the worst is my mom likes him!!!
Is the man a stalker?
The court should carry out the approach restraining order to him.
Be careful.