Nicotto Town

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life? yeah

life is a gay!

2011/07/06 16:51
by the way, what's meido????? do you mean MAID? house MAID? ehhh, oh I can be your maid as long as I live in Japan wwwww
2011/07/06 06:54
waaaaaaaahhh, no more time,
2011/07/06 00:14
I hope so. but she lives far from my house! so, we need more time! but, I will employ girls as meido! and lets play together everyday!
2011/07/04 21:39
>ama: oh my jaysuz! you react!!! you're a gay! wwww

it's nothing ama,, oh by the way! have you tell your gf to get married?? hurry so I can be your maid of honor and so that I can go to japan!!!! woohoooo!
2011/07/03 20:25
why? w

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