Nicotto Town

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Did you know?

That the most important ingredient of love is to trust?????????

but some people don't trust me, but I trust them. 

2010/10/28 21:00
> ama: sort of, ^_^ thank you ama san yohohoho , but i don't have a partner yet, well I have one, it is called friends :D
2010/10/28 02:17
oh, I know how important it is.

almost of us knows it too, but I sometimes carries my joke far away.

we should think about not what we are pleased with but what a partner is pleased with.

of course, about what a frog is satisfied with too!
2010/10/27 20:46
>純: yeah, you are actually right! There are some circumstances people don't trust me T^T
2010/10/27 17:39
yeah, trust is important.
I trust my best friend, but it's quite hard to trust waht everyone says.
2010/10/27 14:24
w it's okay jay faitooo!!!!!!!
yeah, I hope could be, looking for new perspective :)
2010/10/27 14:05
It is difficult in my English language skill to talk about this topic >_<
Song trust them.
I think it would be so great.

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