Nicotto Town

( ももうさぎ日記 )

(archive) summer camp ch

summer camp chapter 9
today at lunch time we ate burgur king!!!!!>_<i loved it!!!!well we made a story and im not done with it so yeah.......we played games after that and it was soooo boring because all you do is you have these sentences and there are 2 teams and so you have to find that sentence thats all!!!soooooo boring oh!and you also have to stick that sentence on your back and thats all huuuuuu.........

2010/07/24 12:44
really lina!!!!thank you but my birthday is months away but thank you!!!!!
2010/07/24 12:02
um should so~~~~~~~~~~~ be cute cuz ur ステキ度 is only like 200 but i started later than you and i already have 1026 and yeah.........on your birthday, ill give u white gacha
2010/07/24 12:00
and then yesterday the girl said sorry i actully gave it to someone to the trading was canceled.....but who cares? i could trade my きぐるみ with iti on furima.
2010/07/22 16:27
im on the last step of trading....the...スイートゴシック(ドールガール),my favorite dress in Nicotto.
except i have to WAIT for my きぐるみ to be i month old so i can put it in furima(we're trading furima)but i need to wait for 11 MORE DAYS(ToT)/~~~
2010/07/22 16:24
hey ho!

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